What I Believe:

Investing in proper sanitation measures in jails is crucial for the health and well-being of the staff who work there. By reducing the risk of disease transmission, we can ensure that dedicated personnel who work in correctional facilities are kept safe. A clean and hygienic environment is essential for promoting correctional officers and staff's well-being and safety. By emphasizing proper sanitation, we align with our shared values of fairness, compassion, and justice, reflecting our commitment to treating all individuals involved with dignity and respect. My dedication to improving sanitary conditions ensures a healthier, safer, and more compassionate jail system for everyone involved, especially those who work tirelessly to keep it running smoothly.

What I will do:

As your Sheriff, I am fully committed to addressing the sanitary conditions in our jails and implementing effective measures for improvement. I understand the critical role of cleanliness and hygiene in protecting inmates' and staff's health and well-being.

My top priorities are implementing thorough cleaning protocols, maintaining proper waste management, and establishing effective infection control measures. I will allocate the necessary resources and provide comprehensive training to maintain high sanitation standards. Promoting regular facility inspections and implementing robust guidelines will create a safe and hygienic environment for everyone in our correctional facilities.

Ensuring exceptional sanitation standards and swiftly implementing preventative measures to curb the spread of illnesses is fundamental to me. You can trust that protecting the health and safety of our community is my top priority. I am committed to creating a more humane environment for all inmates and working towards a criminal justice system that reflects our values of compassion and responsibility. Together, let's build a cleaner, healthier jail system that positively impacts our community.